Engaging Your Life Story


By Pastor Joe Romeo


"Engaging Your Life Story"


I often say that I didn’t really start living until I was thirty. Though not entirely accurate, it’s a way of saying that I didn’t begin to seriously process or contemplate my life until then. Yes, there were moments of reflection in the midst of the “get ‘er done” mentality I adopted for most of my life, but I rarely gave sustained attention to the entire sweep of my life—my childhood and upbringing, my feelings and disappointments, interaction with my parents, and how others have hurt, harmed, demeaned, and degraded me.


But in 2017 a consequential man entered my life. His name is Jim Coffield. He was one of my professors at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. In the brief moments I had with him, I noticed that he looked me in the eyes as we spoke. He asked thoughtful, penetrating questions about why I made certain comments and raised specific questions. And as he did, it felt like he was staring deep into my soul. It was frightening. Yet I wanted more.

In God’s good providence, I was able to spend two days with Jim last week. He invited me to share the details of my entire life with him. Along the way we paused, reflected, and gave attention to the major themes and decisive moments of my life. It was a healthy exercise.

I want to encourage you to share your life story with a wise, patient, and empathetic listener. This could be a counselor, a close friend, or a pastor. (I’d be honored to try and help, or at least assist in finding someone who might guide you through the process.)


We Americans tend to power walk through life most of the time. But taking a casual stroll with a companion where we pause and notice the details of our inner and external world would lead to a healthier and freer you.

Maybe it’s what you need.