Reflections on My First Decade in Ministry


By Pastor Joe Romeo


"Reflections on My First Decade in Ministry" 


As I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and contemplate my first decade in ministry, my mind wanders back to the seventeen-year-old version of myself. I’m sitting in a folding chair in Heartland Community Church’s gymnasium listening to Pastor Scott Veroneau preach at the Sunday evening youth service. While I have no recollection of the sermon’s contents, the effects of what transpired during the message are still with me. God called me to pastoral ministry that night.


It’s been nearly twenty-three years. And here I am. The Lord has done great things for me, and I am glad (Psalm 126:3).


As I think about what I’ve learned during my time in ministry, two overarching lessons stand out to me. . . 

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